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Friday, April 13, 2018

Computers have become an integral part of our everyday life. We use
them every day to be aware of what happening in the world, to make
some complicated calculations, to search for information of simply to
figure out where is Xur from the Destiny. But how much do we know
about these smart machines? Here are some facts that can blow your
mind, so get ready for the blast!

1. Do you know that the first computer was so huge, that its weight
about 27 tons and its size was around 1800 square feet? If you do not,
Google the ENIAC and find out more.

2. Computers are the biggest wallet of the world. Around 90% of
world's money exist on computers and only 10% is physical money.

3. If you would like to type the longest word using the letters on the
one row of your computer keyboard, this word would be TYPEWRITER.

4. The first computer mouse was invented in 1964 by Doug Engelbart.
The most interesting fact about the first mouse is that it was made of

5. We want our computer to be safe and install various antiviruses.
But did you know that every month the computer world sees more than
5000 new viruses? Bwa-ha-ha!

6. The most powerful computers in the world are our brains. If there
was an analog to the human brain, presented by the machine, it would
be able to do 38 thousand trillion operations per second! If it is not
enough, add 3580 terabytes of memory.

7. Did you know that people who write viruses, in the most cases work
for organized crime syndicates? No jokes.

8. This fact is quite inspiring. Such world known companies as HP,
Microsoft, and Apple, started their business in a garage.

9. If you need to figure out why your eyes get tired after using a
computer, here is the explanation. Normally, a person blinks about 20
times per minute. But if you are sitting in front of a blue screen,
the number of blinks decreases to 7 per minute.

10. The last fun fact is that Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft
Corporation, lives in a house that was created with the help of
Macintosh computer.